What types of contraception are on the market?


If sperm reaches an egg (ovum), pregnancy can happen. Contraception tries to stop this happening usually by keeping the egg and sperm apart or by stopping the release of an egg (ovulation). (nhs.uk)

There are many different methods on the market for vulva owners in the way of contraception. It can be hard to know which one to go for.

As most of us know the responsibility heavily falls with the vulva owner for contraception. Sure, they are ‘looking’ at male contraceptives now but female contraceptives have been commercially available since 1960 ! Why is it only now we are considering that men also play a part and should be subject to pills and everything else the same as women!

OK, let’s dive right in.

What are the different types of contraception?

Here’s a snippet of the most common types:

The pill

The combined oral contraceptive pill is often just called "the pill". It contains artificial versions of female hormones oestrogen and progesterone, which are produced naturally in the ovaries. are many different options. (nhs.uk)

The pill prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg each month (ovulation). The pill is over 99% effective if used correctly.

It's important to take the pills as instructed, because missing pills or taking them at the same time as certain medicines may make them less effective.

You can find more information on these on the NHS website.

The thing to keep in mind with when on ‘the pill’, is that they can come with with many unpleasant side effects. Some of these include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Spotting between periods

  • Nausea

  • Breast tenderness

  • Headaches and migraine

  • Weight gain

  • Mood changes

  • Missed periods

  • Decreased libido

Some of these side effects do go away after a few months however for some people they are prolonged. Contraception shouldn’t make you feel sick or uncomfortable. If you don’t like the way the pill makes you feel after a few months, consult your GP.

I personally don’t have a great experience with the pill. I started the pill in my early 20’s when I struggled with ache. It made my acne worse, made me sluggish, I gained weight and just didn’t feel great. It wasn’t until I was stopped taking them that I instantly felt better in ways. I suffer from Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). This is a health problem that is similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) but is more serious. I can’t help but feel the pill had a part to play in causing this however there is no evidence to suggest this at all this is just something I believe personally.

The Coil

The copper coil is another name for an IUD. There's also the hormonal coil, also known as the IUS. .

The IUD and the IUS are types of long lasting reversible contraception that are inserted into the womb to prevent pregnancy. The difference is that the IUD uses copper as a contraceptive, which is why it’s sometimes called the copper coil, while the IUS uses hormones, which is why it’s sometimes called the hormonal coil.

Both types are small, T-shaped devices small enough to hold in your palm.

In addition to being used for regular contraception, the copper coil can also be used as emergency contraception if fitted within five days of unprotected sex. (llyodspharmacy.com)


I love condoms! They are the only method to help protect against STI’s and unwanted pregnancy together. I use them regularly and they are also great for using on sex toys if you share these with a partner(s).

Condoms are a barrier contraceptive made from latex rubber, a synthetic rubber called polyisoprene, a very thin plastic called polyurethane, or a synthetic material called nitrile. (nhs.uk)

Condoms are available free from:

  • contraception clinics

  • sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics

  • some GP surgeries

  • some charities and young people's services

You can also buy condoms:

  • online

  • pharmacies

  • supermarkets

  • websites

  • vending machines in some public toilets

  • some petrol stations

Always buy condoms that have the European CE mark on the packet. This means they have been tested to high safety standards.

Also check the expiry date on the packet. Never use an out of date condom.

What condoms are on the market?

If you have had sex with a penis owner then you have more than likely heard them say ‘I’d rather not wear a condom because It dosent feel as good!’ Do not fall for this! More than likely the person saying this would also be the person that would run at the words ‘ I’m pregnant’! You should never feel pressured into not using condoms.

There are loads of condoms on the market now including thin feel condoms which can make sex feel really pleasurable.

The brand most people have heard of is Durex! Even when I was in secondary school these are the brand I knew of! I actually didn’t know there are lots of other brands out there!

Durex vs LELO condoms

I have recently tried LELO condoms with a partner. And wow! To me they feel much smoother and make for a great lubricated experience.

LELO HEX condoms features:


A unique hexagonal cell structure. HEX™ moves how you move; its inner hexagonal net bends and expands for a perfect fit, no matter your shape.


Latex structure is thin and strong


Textured on the inside to reduce slippage and improve grip.


Lightly lubricated with a neutralized latex scent.

Durex Thin Feel Condoms features:

Thin feel

Thinner feel than regular condoms

Pre lubricated

They come pre lubricated

Easy On

Easy to put on

Comparing the LELO HEX condoms to the thin feel Durex condoms the difference, for me as a vulva owner was definitely the fact that I barely felt them. And what I did feel was smooth, lubricated pleasure.

My partner said he felt the grip on the LELO condoms much stronger than the Durex thin feel condoms along with that he felt them lighter to wear. He also preferred the fit of the LELO HEXcondoms.

For me the Durex thin feel condoms felt slightly rubbery and although they are definitely better in terms of thin feel to some other condoms they are definitely no match for the LELO HEX condoms. This was our first time trying out the LELO brand condoms and they will definitely be a recurring purchase.

You can also get female condoms and dental dams for oral sex. And I also recommend using these for any rimming play.

One method of contraception that is becoming more popular is natural family planning (fertility awareness).

What is natural family planning?

Natural family planning or fertility awareness, is a method of birth control that considers calendar dates such as the first day of your period and involves monitoring fertility indicators such as basal body temperature and cervical mucus to identify the fertile days in the menstrual cycle. Natural family planning is a hormone-free method of birth control.

Natural family planning methods

Natural family planning is generally split into three categories of fertility awareness, these are:

  • Counting cycle days

  • Monitoring cervical mucus

  • Charting basal body temperature

If you would like to learn more about this method visit naturalcycles.com

Do what’s best for you

No matter which method you are thinking of trying, always remember there are health care providers that you can talk through your choices with. And remember condoms are the only barrier to protect against STI’s! It can be a daunting process but know you can change your method at any time. If in doubt condoms are usually a reliable method provided you are careful around how you use and store the condoms.

Stay safe, play safe!


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